By Meredith - January 1, 2020

Choose your own Life. Inspired.

With many paths to well-being, what’s important to you?

It’s January. The new year has started, and you want to make changes this year. You’ve put on a few extra pounds, you’re feeling stressed and you haven’t seen a doctor in forever. You know it’s time to explore health and wellness options.

You read articles online and see there are a few areas you can work on. The first thing that catches your attention is a list of benefits from switching to a plant-based diet. You wonder if that would be a good idea or whether other changes — like watching portion sizes or tracking calories — could help you lose weight. Then, you find some workout videos that seem easy enough.

When you mention your research to co-workers, one tells you how much better they feel since they quit smoking. Another recently found out they have high blood pressure and prediabetes, so they recommend getting an annual physical exam.

That night, you learn about options to help quit tobacco. But then you think about how it helps you deal with stress, and you wonder if there are other options to help you cope. You also read about risk factors for high blood pressure and think you might need to have that checked too.

It seems overwhelming, so you make a list of your options. Now, you just need to pick which ones to pursue. Do you …