By Meredith - October 1, 2018

Eat right for holiday wellness

From Halloween candy overload to New Year’s Eve bashes and everything in between, this time of year may seem focused on food. But you can get through the season without completely derailing the nutrition train.

When you’re not partying it up, you can beat the holiday bulge by including more healthful options in your normal day-to-day routine. Stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, lean meats, low-fat dairy products, and beans and legumes so you have better choices on hand for your non-party meals.

What about those party meals, though? Here are four ways you can get through the buffet without going overboard.

  1. Pre-game with a smart snack. Don’t go in hungry. Have a piece of fruit, some whole grain crackers with peanut butter or low-fat yogurt with berries before heading out to the party. A light snack will help you avoid overeating.
  2. Fork on the fruits and veggies. Fill your plate with these high-fiber foods first. Veggie trays, hummus, whole grain breads and fruit salads are a good place to start. Just watch your portions and be wary of high-fat dressings, spreads and dips.
  3. Enjoy the truly seasonal foods. Allow yourself a small indulgence of those items you don’t get to have the rest of the year like those cookies your aunt only makes at Christmas. Treat yourself to those instead of the high-fat, high-calorie, high-sugar items you can pick up any time. And keep the portions as small as possible. You’ll be able to enjoy the taste without piling on the guilt.
  4. Bring the better choice. If the party is a pot-luck, bring something you know meets good nutritional guidelines. Fruit salads, veggie trays or a Better Choice side item are all good choices.
