By Taylor - April 1, 2021

Kathy Leonard, Director of Retail Pharmacy Operations

In 1991, Kathy started her career with Publix as a cashier when she was in high school. Over the past 30 years, she has held roles including pharmacy technician, pharmacy manager and pharmacy supervisor. She was promoted to her current role in 2020.

What is the most important aspect of your job?
Developing and inspiring the next generation of leaders

What is some advice you would give your younger self?
Stop apologizing and second-guessing. Just go all in. Be fearless!

What do you want to learn next?
How to kitesurf

What’s your work philosophy?
Love what you do. Even with how long I have been with Publix, I still wake up so excited to go to work and to make a difference.

Tell us the most fun part of working in pharmacy.
My car is my office, and I love getting to go out to the stores to interact with the customers and associates.

What skills do you find to be most useful in your current role?
Communication is critical! My job is to move information, so being a good communicator is a must.

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Sweet or salty?
Sweet, but I am a Libra, so I still like the balance of having both sweet and salty.

Favorite place to vacation?
Everywhere! Travel is my jam. I love experiencing new cultures and seeing how other people live.

What is your favorite room in your house? Why?
My living room because it is where life and all the excitement happens.

You are at the movies. Do you get popcorn or candy?
Sno-Caps! I love the crunch and chocolate.

Would you rather skydive or scuba dive?

What is something you learned about your husband during the pandemic?
After spending so much time around him, I realized I have so much to learn from him! He has an overflowing amount of patience and organization.

If you could be a type of wine, which would you be? Why?
Cabernet — not only because it is my favorite, but it pairs well with a lot of yummy things.

Dogs or cats?

Cards or a board game?
Any game! I come from a gaming family, so there are always games galore.

What are you most thankful for at Publix?
The people I get to work with

It is a Saturday night in. What type of movie do you go for?

What is your most-used phrase?
HMU (help me understand)

What is your guilty pleasure food?
Any Publix Premium Ice Cream!

What is one sport or hobby you want to learn one day?
I would like to dedicate more time to learning and perfecting golf.

What is your favorite Publix memory?
Meeting Mr. George early in my career and winning the George W. Jenkins Award last year

Waffles or pancakes?
Pancakes with chocolate chips and whipped cream