By Christy - April 1, 2015

Have you checked out PASSport lately?


Many of us visit PASSport to view our pay statements or request time off, but there’s so much more to see and do. PASSport has a ton of information and features to keep you connected.

Associate announcements

0415PASSport_AssocAnnouncements3Do you have news to announce? You can spread the word on PASSport. Share the great news of a new addition to the Publix family or reach out to an ill or injured associate with your well wishes.

Visit PASSport > Personal > Associate Announcements to submit a birth/adoption, injury/illness or funeral announcement, and it will be published immediately.

In Associate Announcements, you also can see monthly thank-you messages to associates who are currently serving in our military, as well as associates who have received promotions to store manager and above, or to key support positions.

Company information

0415PASSport_OurCompany2Learn everything about our great company from the story of our founder, Mr. George, and our founding philosophy to new store openings and company awards and recognitions by visiting PASSport > Our Company.

There, you also can applaud Publix associates who have gone above and beyond with our customers and associates. Check back each month because you may read about someone you know.

Important messages

0415PASSport_ImportantMessages2Did you know you receive important messages on PASSport? When there’s an unread message that requires your action or knowledge, you’ll see an alert in the Important Messages box on the Home page. Occasionally, you also may receive an email from PASSport Admin telling you have an important message inside PASSport. Always make sure to take a look when you log in to PASSport.
When you click on the alert, you can read the message from the Messages page. Once you’ve read the message, you can always refer back to it at PASSport > Personal > Messages.