By Publix - June 1, 2015

Be There

Ed Crenshaw, CEO

The people we interact with every day depend on us for a variety of reasons.

When you look at Mr. George’s lesson — be there — so many different ideas come to mind on how to live the lesson. I’ve listed a few of them below, but they represent only some of the things we can do.

  • Be knowledgeable about your company. Whether it’s the products we carry or the services we provide, you can be there when your customers, friends and family have questions about Publix.
  • Participate in community efforts. Giving your time, energy and money can do so much in so many different ways; it’s one way we show our communities and customers we care about them and are there for them.
  • Support each other. Celebrate the milestones in your co-workers’ lives and support them in times of need. Being part of the Publix family means you have thousands of individuals who are here to be a part of your life.
  • Help others grow. It doesn’t matter if you’re a manager who’s responsible for training, developing and mentoring associates, or if you’re a co-worker who’s informally taken someone under your wing, we all can learn from each other.

I’m proud of the fact we’re there in so many ways for so many people. It’s part of our secret sauce. It’s who we are. Mr. George’s lesson is as true today as it was when he lived it.

Thank you for finding the Mr. George in yourself and being there for those around you.

Ed Crenshaw