By Christy - December 1, 2015

Shelly Carroll — Business Development Director of Meals

Shelly Carroll

Shelly joined Publix in 1993 as a financial analyst. She was promoted to manager of business analysis in 1994, senior manager of business analysis in 1997 and to her current role in 1999.

Where were you born?
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

What did you want to be when you were little?
I wanted to be a paleontologist. I loved all things dinosaur.

What brought you to Publix?
My husband had an opportunity in Florida, so my family moved to central Florida. When I was job searching, I decided Publix was the place to be. It took a couple of tries, but I was finally hired as a financial analyst.

What hasn’t changed about Publix since you started?
Publix people. I thoroughly enjoy interacting with associates from all over our company.

What are your favorite movies?
Forrest Gump and Saving Private Ryan. I’m a huge Tom Hanks fan.

What music are you listening to right now?
I listen to everything, but right now I would say Maroon 5 and Taylor Swift. (I’m totally influenced by my 9-year-old granddaughter.)

What’s your proudest moment?
My proudest moment was the day the meals retail business unit received approval to roll out Aprons Simple Meals. It is very rewarding to create and successfully implement an idea.

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What’s your favorite book?
My favorite book changes frequently, as I love to read. I would say most notable recently is The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls.

What is your favorite sports team?
I enjoy NFL football and have season tickets to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. But, having grown up in Pittsburgh, I also root for the Steelers.

What’s your guilty pleasure?
Chips and dip

What are your hobbies?
What I like to do the most is spend time with family and friends.

What’s your favorite Publix product?
I have two — Publix Deli Chicken Tenders and anything with buttercream icing.

What’s your work or life philosophy?
I think my most defining statement is from the philosopher Seneca: “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” And, I would sprinkle in a lot of hard work as well.

What do you enjoy most about working at Publix?
Publix people

What’s your favorite Publix memory?
My favorite memory is bumping into Mr. George on my way into work at the old corporate office. One day, I was walking into the side entrance when Mr. George was on his way out. He had already had his stroke and was in a wheelchair. Although he had trouble communicating, he acknowledged and stopped me to ask me my name. Wow, what an impression he made on me that day, and what a great man. I’ll never forget that.