By Christy - February 1, 2016

Protect the ones you love

Protect the ones you love

It’s often a good idea to have supplemental life insurance, even if you’re a full-time associate with coverage through Publix’s Group Life Insurance Plan. You should consider enrolling in Publix’s Supplemental Life Insurance Plan if you have someone who depends
on you.

Whether it’s your spouse, child, grandchild, parent or loved one, you work hard to make sure your family is taken care of. But how will they fare financially without you?

Supplemental life insurance can provide peace of mind and ease the financial burden after your death for those you leave behind. This coverage can provide financial support to cover your loved ones’ living expenses, educational costs or supplement their retirement income.

Let Publix help you protect your loved ones from the uncertainties in life by enrolling in the Supplemental Life Insurance Plan. This valuable coverage is offered to you at group rates negotiated by Publix and includes the added benefit of free will preparation services. So don’t wait; now is the time to enroll!

Full-time associates are eligible to enroll immediately upon hire and part-time associates are eligible after 90 days of continuous employment. To enroll, associates should visit the Publix Personal Plans website from PASSport or > Health and Well-Being, or call Publix Personal Plans toll-free at 1-888-374-6377.