By Karyn - September 1, 2016

Strength in numbers equals strength in giving

Mr. George believed in the strength of giving to United Way because the funds benefit multiple agencies, and the money stays in the community in which it was raised.

Approximately 450,000 United Way agencies and chapters in the U.S. serve millions of people. Individuals and corporations raise money and donate time and talent to meet the needs of their neighbors. From helping those with physical and mental disabilities to delivering meals to seniors, United Way makes a visible impact in its communities.

Each September, you’re encouraged to give to United Way. Our United Way campaign is special because it’s our only corporate campaign that’s supported entirely by associates — we rely on our associates’ strength in giving to make a difference in our communities.

This year’s campaign runs through Sept. 11. Unite with thousands of other associates by making a payroll deduction or volunteering your time in the community.

Our United Way campaign raises the most funds of all our corporate campaigns, and with matching funds from Publix Super Markets Charities, we can make an even bigger impact. Check out our combined strength in giving to United Way since 2010.

united-wayUW totals

Online Exclusive

Watch this year’s United Way video.