By Vivian - March 1, 2017

Amazing stories from amazing associates

Store receives perfect Mystery Shopping score — 14 times!
The grocery team at #1220, Mount Juliet, Tennessee, received its 14th perfect Mystery Shopping score. This shows associates are doing their part to live up to the high standards that make Publix the premier quality food retailer in the world. The store held a cookout for the team to celebrate this huge achievement.

Congratulations, #1220!

Associate participates at Winter World Games in Australia
Front Service Clerk Evan Hodge, #566, Acworth, Georgia, has participated in Special Olympics for more than five years, and now, he is joining the USA Special Olympics team to compete at the Winter World Games in Australia. He will be part of the alpine skiing team during the event later this month.

Thanks to Special Olympics, athletes, including our associates, have the opportunity to train and compete in various sports.

In addition to this great accomplishment, Evan has completed his associate degree in criminal justice.

Way to go, Evan!

Associates lend a hand in time of need
Last year, District Manager Patrick Helm suffered a fire at his house. The fire eventually took to the laundry room, causing the hoses to burst. His house had smoke and water damage, resulting in the loss of many of the family’s personal possessions.

Store Manager Rick Hupp, #1271, Hudson, Florida, found out about the incident and drove nearly 30 miles to pay them a visit. The next day, Rick’s team came together to help. They delivered nearly $300 in restaurant and Publix gift cards, so Patrick and his family wouldn’t have to worry about anything to eat.

“I still think about that day, and my eyes water, knowing that a group of people would do that much in such a short time,” said Patrick, who was overcome by the generosity of the associates at this store. “I’ve always said, ‘It’s the power of Publix people.’”

Giving gone international
Associates at #1330, Deltona, Florida, were eager to join the Heifer Project International last Christmas to help needy families in the Andes Mountains of Peru increase the size of their llama herds.

Farming in that area is difficult, and llamas are often the only animals that can survive and thrive, not to mention sales of their wool provide a steady income. Through generous donations, associates were able to give a llama to one of these needy families.

“It’s a gift that keeps on giving!” said Store Manager Eddie Guzman. “The llama’s offspring will one day become the foundation to secure another family’s future.”

Only 95 years young and counting
Front Service Clerk Elroy York, #709, Bradenton, Florida, is turning 95 and has worked for Publix for the last 16 years. He is a World War II veteran and an inspiration to everyone at the store.

Elroy tells the story of a German soldier at the opposite side of the fence where he was standing guard, and how they both agreed they did not want to be fighting against each other — but they had to because it was their job.

The store is celebrating his birthday this month with a big bash. Happy birthday, Elroy!