By Vivian - March 1, 2017

This manager leads by example


Once you encounter Manager of Talent Acquisition Marcy Hamrick’s dynamic personality, you will understand why she has advanced through Publix’s leadership roles so quickly.

She started her career in 2012 as a senior training developer where she gained a lot of insight about associate training. In 2013, her experience landed her the role of manager of instructional design, and in 2014, she moved into her current position.

Marcy is responsible for managing the talent acquisition strategy that helps retail and support departments find talent to meet their business goals while perpetuating the Publix culture.

“I’m motivated by collaboration and the act of problem solving. Finding the right person for the right role is essential to our business,” says Marcy. “Some days, it can be a puzzle, and I enjoy the challenge.”

Marcy gets up extra early three days a week to take her dogs for a walk and then jog. Doing so helps her better manage her busy days. When not at work, the wife and mother of three keeps busy with her family by fishing, finding fossils or just playing games like Twister at home. She believes work/life balance is very important, so she makes sure to devote time to family and friends.

Marcy always reminds herself to grow personally and professionally by focusing on her current role and preparing for opportunities on the horizon. It’s something she shares with new associates as well.

“I try to establish an environment where the Publix culture occurs naturally by creating a team atmosphere where associates feel valued and respected,” said Marcy. “The only way associates can understand the Publix culture is by letting them experience it.”