By Publix - April 1, 2018

Publix and the environment go hand-in-hand

Environmental sustainability is important to us. In fact, it started long before we had a green routine program.

As a company, our goal has been to have the right products at the right time for our customers. We’ve also focused many of our efforts to help influence our suppliers to manufacture their products using sustainable practices. And we continue down this path because it’s the right thing for the environment, our associates and our customers.

The processes we have in place — from our bagging techniques to our product packaging — include concepts that support reducing waste. I encourage you to do little things that make a big difference like keeping cooler doors closed and turning off lights when you’re not using them. Report leaky faucets when you see them, and recycle paper. And don’t stop when you leave work. Keep following best practices when you’re at home, so they become a habit. You can find more about our efforts by visiting

Being intolerant of waste is what Mr. George believed in when he founded Publix, and it’s what we still follow today. Environmental responsibility has always been important to Publix, but it’s becoming more important to our customers and to all of us.

Thanks for all you do.

Todd Jones
CEO & President

Read more messages from Todd.