By Meredith - July 1, 2018

It’s easy to slip into bad eating habits

It’s easy to slip into bad eating habits, especially when we’re busy or on the go. Here are just a few of the bad habits you may have when it comes to nutrition.

  • Distracted or mindless eating. This usually happens in front of the TV or while using electronics, and you usually end up eating way too much. Try pre-portioning snacks into single servings to avoid overeating.
  • Not planning meals and snacks. When you don’t have a more healthful alternative on-hand, it’s easy to go for what’s convenient. And that’s not always the best option. Try packing better-for-you snacks or making pre-portioned meals on slower days so you have them available on busy days.
  • Eating too fast. After you start eating, it takes 20 minutes for your brain to know your stomach is full. Slow down the pace of your meal so you don’t overeat. Focus on the flavors of your meal, and wait at least 10 minutes before going back for seconds.
  • Not eating certain foods or food groups. Unless a doctor or dietitian has advised you to avoid certain foods, taking them out of your daily diet could work against you — especially if they’re something you really like. Rather than cutting out a specific food or food group, focus on developing a healthful overall eating pattern.

Making small changes to your routine can help you develop better nutrition habits. Pay attention to whether you’re really hungry, and limit your indulgences. Before you know it, your bad habits will be replaced with good ones.

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