By Meredith - January 1, 2019

Dietitians’ Corner: Hack your diet to help your heart

Dietitians' corner on soft pink sky background

Your heart is a highly sophisticated machine, and the code … er, nutrients … you feed into it can influence how well it works.

In the tech world, white hat hackers work to help keep information secure and black hat hackers work to create malware, steal information or bring down systems.

Like a line of computer code, the nutrients you put into your body can either support your health or bring it down. It isn’t about what you eat for an individual meal or snack. Keeping your heart strong is a result of your overall eating pattern and regular physical activity.

White hat

Put good stuff in, get good results! The key is focusing on nutrient-rich foods like

Black hat

Over the long term, large amounts of foods like these can crash your system. Limit your intake of

So what kind of heart hacker are you? White or black hat? Choose wisely for your heart’s sake.

Track your hack

Publix Pharmacy has a free resource to help you and your doctor monitor your heart health. The higi machine checks your blood pressure and body mass index (BMI).
