By Meredith - February 1, 2019

Give your heart a little love (and fiber)

When it comes to heart health, what you eat can make a difference.

The trick is to make long-term changes to your overall eating pattern. Current U.S. dietary guidelines recommend increasing the amount of fiber you eat while reducing saturated fat. Two great ways to add fiber to your diet are by eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, and focusing more on whole grains like oats, brown rice and whole wheat.

So why all this fuss about fiber? Eating more fiber-rich fruits and vegetables can help lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of death from heart disease.

But if you think eating for your heart means eating foods that taste bad, think again! Our corporate dietitians work with our Aprons chefs to craft heart-friendly recipes to tempt your taste buds. And they created two new ones featuring oats for American Heart Month!

Want more heart-friendly options? You can find more than 150 Aprons Heart Smart recipes on

Be. healthy
