By Publix - August 1, 2019

Fresh — a key character trait

Todd Jones, CEO stands in the store's produce section

We have a brand promise — a positioning statement that defines the relationship we want to create with our customers.

That promise says: Publix is the store that knows the most and cares the most about the products we sell and the people we serve.

To understand what that means, we have developed six qualities that help define our brand. They describe what we do, who we are, what it means to be Publix and what we should strive for. Last month, I focused on the key trait — simple. This month, let’s look at being fresh.

Our customers are looking for this trait every day. They want to shop at a store that’s relevant and keeps up with their changing needs. Our business initiatives help us achieve this whether it’s grocery delivery, a new concept store like GreenWise Market, updated department layouts, or new and different prepared foods.

But those new concepts won’t create the outcomes we hope for on their own. You are the key to keeping Publix fresh. You make your work environment fun and upbeat for anyone who works or shops with us. And it’s environments like those which spark the creativity and connection our customers feel when they walk into our stores.

Thanks for all you do.

Todd Jones

Six essential character traits

Read more messages from Todd.