By Meredith - January 1, 2020

Get an annual physical checkup

This article is part of a series. We recommend starting with Choose your own Life. Inspired.

Your coworkers’ stories have you worried about high blood pressure and diabetes.

You’ve heard having high blood pressure can put you at risk for a heart attack and stroke. A coworker said they didn’t know they had high blood pressure until their doctor checked for it. Often, people with high blood pressure can’t feel it, so it must be checked to be diagnosed. Thankfully, you can measure your blood pressure for free at your store’s higi machine, but you know it’s not the same as getting a diagnosis from your doctor.

You also want to make sure you’re not at risk for diabetes, a disease involving problems with the way your body produces or reacts to insulin. Insulin is a hormone that helps your body store and use the fat and sugar in your food. Your coworker told you diabetes can cause serious problems with your eyes, kidneys and feet. Diabetes also puts you at higher risk of heart disease and stroke. A doctor can check for diabetes through simple blood work to determine your blood glucose levels.

So, you call your doctor and make an appointment for a checkup.

Next do you …