By Publix - June 1, 2020

Investing in others is part of our culture

“No one person puts an organization together on their own.” — Mr. George

As we’ve seen over the past few months, those words ring as true today as they did when Mr. George first spoke them. We’ve always known the importance of investing in others. It’s part of what Mr. George founded Publix on, and it creates a culture of togetherness. It’s how we become prepared to be servant leaders.

Throughout this crisis, we have seen your desire to serve every day and in amazing ways. Whether it was how you’ve helped each other at work, what you’ve done in your communities to help them thrive or the commitment you’ve made to your customers to help them create memorable moments. Your actions have all been about investing in others.

Mr. George knew 90 years ago it would take the entire Publix family to make his food store succeed in the Great Depression. And that is still true today as we navigate this pandemic together. We have learned a lot over the past few months. But one thing we’ve always known is how special Publix people are, and how in times of need, we all come together stronger to continue making our incredible company the best it can be. Always remember, you play an important role in shaping Publix today and for future generations.

Thanks for all you do.

Todd Jones

Read more messages from Todd.