By Erin - August 3, 2020

Kris Jonczyk, Atlanta Division Vice President

Kris started his Publix career in 1986 as a front service clerk. He held several roles in retail, including grocery manager, store manager, district manager and regional director, until being promoted to his current position in 2020. Kris oversees the operations of 270 stores and more than 40,000 associates across three states — Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee.

What do you like to do in your free time?
Traveling and being outdoors with my amazing wife, Cammie

What did you want to be when you were younger?
An astronaut. Growing up on the Space Coast, it was an easy thing to aspire to be.

What is your favorite Publix memory?
Meeting my wife at Publix when she was a cashier and I was a grocery clerk. I went to bag for her and show off my bagging skills. She told me to bag for someone else. That’s when I knew she was the one.

What are you binge-watching right now?
“Ozark” on Netflix. It was filmed right here in Georgia.

What skill do you think has advanced your Publix career most?
A positive attitude. I believe if you see the best in any situation you can be whatever you want in life.

What’s something about you that people may be surprised to learn?
I am a first generation American. My father emigrated from Germany, having escaped East Berlin. It provides me with a unique and special outlook on all America has to offer. I believe Publix is the living embodiment of the American dream.

What’s your work philosophy?
Always give your very best and measure what you do by the best!

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Where were you born?
Palm Beach County, Florida

What’s your most unusual talent?
My memory. I have the unusual ability to remember small details and meaningless trivia. It isn’t always a good trait to have — just ask my wife.

What do you think makes Publix a great place to work?
Ownership. We get to work with people who care about each other and our company just as much as we do. It’s a very special dynamic.

What’s your favorite movie? 
“Armageddon.” It brings together all the themes I cherish: teamwork, leadership and personal sacrifice in serving others — and not to mention astronauts!

What’s your favorite place you’ve ever lived?
Honestly, it’s wherever I am. I believe home is where you make it. I have an amazing family, and we enjoy wherever we are and always make the most of it. It’s hard to beat Atlanta with all the city has to offer.

What’s your advice to someone just starting their Publix career?
Don’t be afraid to go where the opportunities are. If that means you might have to move, do it. Don’t limit your potential by geography.

What are you listening to right now?
The Black Keys’ “Let’s Rock” and anything by Seether. I enjoy all rock music.

What’s your favorite sports team?
I grew up a Florida Gator, but with my son attending the University of Alabama, I find myself saying “Roll Tide” nowadays.

What’s your proudest moment? 
Personally, the birth of my two wonderful children, Ashley and Alex. My proudest professional moment would be serving in this role after having opened the first store in the Atlanta Division (#33, Marietta, Georgia) as a stock clerk in 1992.

What are you reading right now?
“Dare to Lead” by Brené Brown

Where’s your favorite place to vacation?
Anywhere that has a beach. I really enjoy the sunshine and getting out on the water.

What do you want to learn next?
A new language. Even though my dad is from Germany, I don’t know how to speak German and would love to be able to speak to my father in his native language.

What emoji best describes you?
Thumbs up. I am a positive person and always believe “we can do it.”

What’s the farthest you’ve ever traveled?
Rome, Italy, for my 25th wedding anniversary, where I proposed to my wife again. She said yes.

What toppings do you like on your pizza?
I am a pepperoni guy.