By Leigh - August 3, 2020

A bigger portion isn’t always better

Everything in the 1980s was big. We had big hair and bigger shoulder pads. There were boomboxes the size of suitcases. And at least one television weighed in at a whopping 200 pounds!

Today, we can fit a phone in our back pocket, TVs hang on walls and computers are the size of, well, a phone. But not everything is smaller today compared to the ’80s. One thing has gotten bigger over the decades — our portion sizes.

Adults are consuming about 300 more calories per day than they did in 1985. And since we often eat the majority of what we put on our plates, we can control our tendency to overeat. So, how do you keep your portions under control?

Here’s a quick guide to help you slim down your portions:

  • use smaller dishes and glasses
  • when eating at a restaurant, ask for a half portion, split your meal with someone else at the table or cut it in half immediately and put half in a box to take home
  • drink a glass of water 30 minutes before your meal
  • eat slowly and without distractions and
  • don’t eat straight from the container.

For portion planning made just for you, visit
