By Leigh - October 1, 2020

2021 open enrollment

It’s time to elect your benefits.

Open enrollment is here! It’s time to research the benefits offered, weigh what’s right for you and elect the best option for your insurance for 2021. Unless you have a qualifying event, such as getting married or having a baby, open enrollment is the only time each year when you can

  • enroll yourself and your family members in benefits or
  • change your insurance coverage.

Don’t forget to confirm your tobacco use status during open enrollment. No confirmation = a higher payroll deduction for 2021.

To cancel your coverage, you must elect to do so during open enrollment. If you take no action, your benefits will automatically carry over from 2020 to 2021.

Go green

Choose to save trees and go paperless when you complete the PASSport open enrollment process.

Your benefits. Your choice.

  • Required Action: You MUST complete the open enrollment process.
  • How: Log in to PASSport.
  • Deadline: Oct. 31, 11:59 p.m. Eastern time