By Emily - June 1, 2021

Felix Allen, Charlotte Division Regional Director

Felix began his career in 1985 as a front service clerk at #221, Port Charlotte, Florida. He worked his way up to store manager and served as a district manager before being promoted to his current role in January of this year.

What toppings do you like on your Pub Sub?

I like the Boar’s Head Ultimate Sub with mayo, Boar’s Head honey mustard, a little lettuce, onions, bell peppers and oregano. That’s good eating right there!

What’s your advice to someone just starting their Publix career?

Focus on you and your abilities to make them into your strengths. Allow Publix to develop your qualities that will make you great! When you focus on what you can control, you give yourself a plan of action.

What 3 things would you bring with you to a deserted island?

If there is power on the island, my music playlist, a slow cooker and Dallas Cowboys’ game film. If there isn’t, a water purifier, a machete and a pot to cook in.

What TV or movie character are you most like?

Everyone here knows I love Judge Judy! She has taught me how to listen, process information and laugh!

What is your favorite Publix memory?

Being promoted to store manager. I was completely overjoyed with emotion. It was a moment when I told myself, “You made it!”

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Where were you born?

Rochester, New York

What is your favorite Publix product?

Publix Premium Vanilla Ice Cream, always

What’s the best advice you’ve gotten in your career?

My dad would always remind me, “Start out fast and keep trying to pick up speed,” meaning you must be better than average in whatever you do in life.

What did you want to be when you were younger?

I never set out on what I wanted to be, but I knew it would be in a management capacity.

What are you currently reading?

“How Successful People Lead,” by John Maxwell

What are you currently listening to?

A podcast with Bishop Walker III, “Next Level Leaders”

What makes Publix a great place to work?

Besides the many benefits, growth opportunities and job security, what makes Publix a great place to work for me are the folks I have worked with, past and present. We care for one another, and we work for the best company in the world!

What is something about you people may be surprised to learn?

I used to sing and act in high school and performed many times.

What is your personal or professional motto?

Average is being on top of the bottom. Measure change, reward results. And discipline, determination, dedication. This is on every email I send to remind myself of who I am.

What is your favorite book?

I don’t have a favorite book but choose to read meaningful books that will benefit me internally.

What is something on your bucket list?

Travel much more