By Taylor - June 1, 2021

Spreading the compassion bug

Assistant Pharmacy Manager Amy Liu, #1361, Boca Raton, Florida, has a huge smile and an even bigger heart.

As the mother of a child with autism, Amy is no stranger to the condition and how to best support those with it. In November of last year, a mother brought in her 2 children with autism and wanted to try giving them the flu shot. The first child took the vaccination like a champ, but the second was more nervous and needed some time.

“I instantly recognized how the child was struggling with the idea of getting the shot and was scared. So, I told his mother to take as much time as needed and that I would be here,” said Amy. “After a few hours, I felt like I had developed a connection with him and just loved how he came out of his shell slowly.”

The child even tried a new food — Publix Deli Chicken Tenders — while he waited, which was a victory in itself! His mother was overjoyed and grateful for Amy and how accommodating she was for her and her children.

Although in the end he just wasn’t ready to get the flu shot, Amy felt like she had made a difference and was happy to have been there and made them feel welcome.

“I think God puts us in just the right place at the right time. I am so thankful I was able to help provide comfort and encouragement,” said Amy. “Our job is to be there and care for our customers, even if that means just listening to their situation and showing compassion.”

Amy was awarded the gold coin for making a difference through premier customer service with her upbeat attitude and positive personality.

“Our pharmacy supervisors lead by example and teach us all to have a servant’s heart,” said Amy. “I am here because I want to help people and make them feel like they can do and get through anything. All it takes is a little encouragement and a smile.”

A gold coin is given to associates who embrace the Publix culture and provide premier service the way Mr. George himself would have. Receiving a gold coin means you’ve made a real difference in the lives of others by going above and beyond. Associates can become eligible for a gold coin by receiving praise through the customer care department, which reviews each case based on established criteria and guidelines.

Take a moment to read about other gold coin winners in Publix News.

Publix Gold Coin