By Mary - October 1, 2021

Get your z’s to boost mental well-being

Getting your 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night can boost your mental well-being.

You know sleep is important for our bodies to function, but did you know it also plays a huge role in your mental health? Scientists have found that sleep and mental health are very closely related because our brains need sleep to process emotions and retain information.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), inadequate sleep can play a direct role in mental stress. During sleep, your amygdala is activated; it’s the portion of your brain responsible for processing emotions. So, during those restless nights, your brain is unable to process emotional signals or form emotional memories. These sleep disturbances can lead to increased anger, anxiety and stress.

Nothing is more frustrating than when you can’t seem to sleep through the night or at all, so here are some tips to help you catch your z’s.

Let’s get physical

To help fall asleep faster, many individuals exercise. Even moderate exercise has been shown to improve quality of sleep and help reduce daytime sleepiness.

Watch what you eat and drink

We know a midnight snack may be a favorite part of your routine, but eating a heavy meal or drinking caffeine too close to bedtime can keep you awake until the early hours of the morning. Staying away from nicotine and alcohol before bed can also help promote uninterrupted sleep.

Winding down

Unwinding before bed can be the key to falling asleep easier. Try reading a book, listening to a podcast or drinking some hot chamomile tea. But avoid scrolling on your phone for long periods of time as blue light from an electronic device can keep you up. Calm your mind by clearing your head of the day’s worries. Today you’ve given your best; now it’s time to rejuvenate!

Stick to the routine   

Once you’ve found sleep tactics that work for you, continue the routine. Having a sleep schedule can help both your body and your mind recognize when it’s time to call it a day.


Getting more shut-eye but still struggling with your mental health?

Visit the Mental Health Resources page to learn how to get the support you need, including free resources. Amwell mental health therapy is also available to associates enrolled in the BCBS PPO Plan for a $25 copay per online visit. Therapists are available by appointment 7 days a week, and evening appointments are offered.

Life. Inspired. content is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or a substitute for the professional opinion of a doctor, pharmacist or other health care professional involved in your treatment. We encourage you to consult with your doctor, pharmacist or other health care professional before volunteering to participate in a wellness activity and for diagnosis and treatment decisions.