By Erin - February 1, 2023

Have a loving hygiene routine

Having good personal hygiene is a great way to display your love, reduce the risk of spreading germs and prevent contamination of food or food contact surfaces. Show your valentine you value their health and safety as well as yours by understanding the most effective ways to protect everyone, in and out of the kitchen.

A clean home is a happy home
Keep your home clean and disinfected with these quick tips:

  • Choose 1 or 2 cleaning chores throughout the house each week so you don’t get overwhelmed with all that needs to get done. The kitchen, however, must always remain clean.
  • Apply a disinfectant to high-frequency touch-point surfaces.
  • And remember the top-to-bottom rule when cleaning. Just like washing your car, start at the top and work your way down so dirt and dust fall on the floor, to be vacuumed up or collected by a dust mop.

Cover your mouth, not your smile
It’s hard to predict when a coughing or sneezing attack will come. But when you start to feel the tickle in your throat, grab a tissue to cover your coughs or sneezes, throw it away afterward and wash your hands. Use the inside of your elbow if you don’t have a tissue.

Fight germs, wash your hands
Handwashing is a basic task. Make it a mandatory part of your daily routine:

  • Wash with soap and warm water to remove germs from your hands.
  • Take at least 20 seconds to wash properly, paying special attention to the backs of your hands, fingers and under your nails.
  • Rinse your hands under clean, warm running water and then dry them with a clean towel.