By Taylor - July 1, 2023

What happens when your tech talks back?

With technology getting a voice of its own, how safe is it and should you trust it?

Artificial intelligence (AI) started picking up major speed in the last couple of years. And while it isn’t always like the movies portray it, AI is becoming part of our daily lives, even if we don’t recognize it at first.

So, what exactly is AI?

While there are many different kinds of AI, the most basic definition is a technology that completes tasks that are typically done by humans and require human intelligence and judgment. This could be something as simple as a search engine generating suggested searches or as complex as a car driving itself.

Where have you seen AI before?

Some examples of AI that you may use daily are facial recognition on phones, laptops and tablets; autocorrect; social media algorithms; and chatbots. These technologies, and many more, have improved over the years due to technological advances that make them smarter and faster.

What do you need to know?

Common questions with all this new tech are

  • how trustworthy is it and
  • how should it be used?

For AI to improve and continue learning, it has to remember each interaction and the information the user gives it. So, when using AI technology, it’s best to not give it any confidential or personal details to avoid compromising your security.

While there are safety concerns with these new tech opportunities, AI is evolving and is an essential part of our present. It’s exciting to think where it will lead us and how advancements will improve our lives and daily processes in the future.
