By Karyn - June 1, 2014

This line of cheese is pretty special

PNews_June_specialty cheese

You don’t have to be a cheese specialist to know our cheese is special. Basic training on cheese is available for all deli associates so they can answer customers’ questions and get them interested in sampling new cheeses. After a small bite of knowledge, customers are hungry for more.

After completing culinary school, Deli Clerk Kitty Ludlow, #1316, Pensacola, Florida, was eager to share her knowledge with customers. Each week, she tries to feature cheeses from a different country of origin to keep customers coming back.

“There’s so much to know about cheese, and you never stop learning,” said Kitty. “If I can get a customer to taste it, I know I’ll make a sale.”

But you don’t need to be an expert to talk about cheese. Kitty recommends talking to customers and asking questions to best meet their needs.

“The biggest thing is learning to listen and anticipating customers’ needs,” she said. “Ask if they’re looking for something special or trying a new recipe. Then, you can develop your selling strategy.”

Deli Clerk Leo Hall, #662, Orlando, Florida, does everything he can to learn about cheese. When his store receives a new specialty cheese, he tastes it and writes down the flavor profile so he can reference it later.

“Once I taste a new cheese, I usually offer samples to customers,” said Leo. “Cheese is my passion, so I naturally want to talk about it.”

Leo is a fan of experimenting with cheese, and he encourages his customers to do the same. The versatility of cheese makes it a great option for any recipe or meal.

“I love goat cheese — it can be used in stuffed mushrooms, on pizza or with crackers,” said Leo. “And lately, I’ve really enjoyed using manchego in my macaroni and cheese.”

Whether you’re looking to try something soft and creamy or hard and fruity, there’s a Publix Deli specialty cheese that’s right for you. Ask a deli associate for their recommendations, and share what you learn with your family, friends and customers.

Our buyers travel the globe in search of the best-tasting specialty cheeses. But what makes our specialty cheese program so special? See how only the most unique cheeses make the cut.

Online Exclusive

Putting the special in our specialty cheeses

Our delis carry specialty cheeses from the Isle of Man to the aisle of Publix. But what makes our cheese unique? You may be surprised to learn it’s not an easy answer.

Our Publix Deli specialty cheeses are a cut above the rest. Many factors contribute to a cheese receiving the specialty designation. See why our specialty cheeses really are special.

Specialty cheeses
Origin made in specific locations; geography and climate impacts production and manufacturing
Purity of ingredients made with natural ingredients that are often locally sourced
Production typically artisanal (hands-on) or time-honored production methods that have been passed down from generation to generation; limited resources lead to small batches at a time
Flavor complex with depth in texture and flavor; has a distinct flavor associated with where the cheese was made or aged; can vary subtly between batches and seasons
Aging aged naturally by allowing the cheese to cure for just the right amount of time
Labeling may carry special labels, such as the Protected Destination of Origin, to certify a cheese was produced using traditional ingredients and cheesemaking methods


If you’re interested in trying our specialty cheese but don’t know where to start, try our top-selling Publix Deli Domestic Mozzarella Balls. This cow’s milk cheese uses all-natural ingredients in an authentic Italian recipe. It’s popular because it’s a mainstream cheese in a specialty category. Buy a package today, and try it in a caprese salad or to top your favorite pizza.