By Karyn - July 1, 2014

Take a tour of our new corporate website


Are you curious about Publix’s history, sustainability initiatives and community involvement? Are you looking for stockholder information? Maybe you know someone who wants to come work with us or do business with Publix. Our latest website,, includes all this information — and more.

Browse the summary below, but don’t forget to scroll through the full site. The site will continue to grow and change, so check back periodically to stay up to date with your company.

 (Try our new feature and click on the images to see them “pop!”)

Gray message boxes

ContactUsLook for gray message boxes that help us communicate with site visitors and share the latest and most important information.

About Publix

0714HomeLandingFind out what it means to be Publix with a focus on our culture, history and company awards. Navigate through stockholder information, browse our sustainability microsite and read the latest press releases. And, if a hot topic is in the news, quickly review our frequently asked questions.


0714CareersLandingAre you interested in growing your Publix career? Do you know someone who should apply to work at Publix? Find out why Publix is a great place to work, search critical openings in our stores, learn about our distribution, manufacturing and office positions, and browse valuable interview tips.


0714BusinessLandingIt’s all business in this reorganized section of the website. Links connect visitors to our real estate site selection, operations and maintenance, and asset management teams. And, current and potential suppliers can find resources and communicate directly with Publix.


0714CommunityLandingPublix’s mission calls on us to be responsible citizens in our communities. We serve our communities by supporting five corporate campaigns and sponsoring youth soccer throughout our operating areas. Local organizations also can request a Publix donation by visiting this section.

Our website is undergoing a total transformation, and our corporate information is now found at You can still find all your favorite store information like the weekly ad and coupons at