By Christy - July 1, 2014

Associate stays the course, celebrates 35 years with Publix


This month, Publix News talked with Deerfield Dairy Plant Department Senior Manager of Fluid Filling, Shipping and Case Room Scott Heckman, who is celebrating his 35-year service award.

Publix News (PN): What brought you to Publix more than 35 years ago?
Scott: When I was 15 years old, I’d ride my bike to my neighborhood Publix and another competitor to see if they were hiring. Fortunately for me, Publix was really busy one day, and the assistant store manager asked me if I owned a shirt and tie and if I could start that day. I quickly went home to change and returned ready to work.

PN: What hasn’t changed at Publix since you started here?  
Scott: Our core philosophy of focusing on the customer, which is why I believe Publix is so successful

PN: What’s the most exciting part of your job?
Scott: Sharing the Publix culture and doing my part every day to help associates grow

PN: What advice do you have for associates just starting?
Scott: Learn as many jobs as possible. Each job increases your knowledge and your value to Publix.

PN: What does it mean to receive your 35-year service award?
Scott: It’s an accomplishment and a testimony of what you can do if you never give up. The results are so worth it.

PN: What do you enjoy most about your job?
Scott: Mentoring our future leaders who will carry on traditions and knowing I had a part in it

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PN: What’s changed the most at Publix since you started here?
We used to close on Sundays, and now our weekend business has helped our company grow.

PN: What has made you stay?  
Scott: Shortly before I graduated junior college, I had to decide if I wanted to go away to college or stay in town and take care of my parents’ house when they moved. I was well on my way in advancing my career at Publix, so I decided to stick with it.

PN: What’s the most challenging part of your job?
Scott: Finding ways to meet all my customers’ needs. There are a lot of balls in the air, and I know I’m doing my job well if I don’t let any of them hit the ground.

PN: What’s your favorite Publix memory?
Scott: One memory that stands out is when my district manager, Jack Hardy, told me,  “You know you’re an old-timer when your retirement account makes more money than you make in a year.” I’ll also never forget attending my 10-year service award and taking a picture with Mr. George.