By Karyn - July 1, 2014

Associates build home and hope in their community


An appreciative grandmother was tickled pink by some familiar people who typically wear green to work. Fifty associates volunteered with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Nashville to help build the woman’s first home, where she will care for her grandchildren.

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0714HabitatBuild1The volunteering was organized by District Manager Felix Allen. He was involved with Habitat for Humanity when he worked in Atlanta, and he brought his passion north when he transferred to Nashville, Tennessee, in 2010. For this event, Felix reached out to fellow district managers David Fulmer and Keith Everett and invited their associates to join his team in building a house with Habitat for Humanity.

“Habitat for Humanity is a great opportunity for teambuilding, and it’s a wonderful way to give back,” said Felix. “It feels good any time we can get outside the store and be responsible citizens in our community.”

0714HabitatHouseHabitat for Humanity invites volunteers — 25 people each day — to help build a home for those in need. Two building supervisors are on hand to teach volunteers different trades and offer basic assistance, and the future homeowner also helps build their house.

The Publix associates were assigned two days to help paint, finish trim and siding, frame windows, hang doors, and install counters and cabinets. About eight associates from each district volunteered each day.

“We had no problems filling the roster for this build,” said Felix. “Everyone enjoyed giving back to our community and had great things to say about the experience, so I’m looking for another opportunity to volunteer in the fall.”

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