By Karyn - November 1, 2014

Social butterflies: use caution online

From Facebook to Twitter and LinkedIn, social websites have become very popular with people of all ages. Users can keep in touch with family and friends, share news, post photos and expand their networks with others around the world.

But, social websites are one of the fastest growing areas for malicious cyber activity. Users may be exposed to risks like disclosure of private information, cyber-stalking and identity theft. Information like birthdays, pet names and favorite things are used to guess passwords and send targeted malicious emails.

When using social media, consider these tips to help keep you safe.

  • Limit the amount of personal information you post on a profile page, discussion board, instant message or other type of online platform that could expose you to unwanted visitors, identity theft or malicious threats.
  • Privacy does not exist on social networking websites. Assume anything you post on a social media website is available to the public, and only post information you are comfortable with anyone seeing. Limit the people who are allowed to contact you. If you interact with strangers, be cautious about the amount of information you reveal.
  • Don’t believe everything you read online. People may post false or misleading information about various topics, including their own identities.
  • Evaluate social networking websites, and read privacy policies and codes of conduct carefully. While there are privacy options and controls, they can be complex and can change often. Some sites may share your personal information, such as email addresses or personal interests, with other companies.

Be social, but be careful

With more than 2 million Facebook fans and 102,000 followers on Twitter — and counting — our customers are really social. Keep in mind Publix’s guidelines regarding the proper use of social media when commenting on our social media platforms.

If you comment about the goods and services Publix provides, disclose that you work for Publix in your post or comment. As with all Publix information, keep proprietary information confidential. For the complete social media guidelines, visit PASSport > Handbook.