By Karyn - February 1, 2014

Associates show how we are all connected through United Way


Whether it was through volunteer opportunities or completing pledge forms, thousands of you showed how we are all connected during the 2013 United Way campaign.

“I’m proud to work with so many responsible citizens, and we are all connected through United Way,” said Vice Chairman Barney Barnett. “Your donations prove your dedication to improving lives and strengthening communities. I can’t thank you enough for all you do.”

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Fundraising events

All stores and support locations held fundraising campaigns Sept. 1 – 15. Funds raised during the campaign stay in the area in which they were raised.

Stores #543, Duncan, S.C., and #687, Spartanburg, S.C., followed a Monopoly theme to connect associates to United Way. They developed a custom board and question cards to teach associates about local United Way agencies.

“Our associates had a lot of fun learning about their community, and it really helped to get them more excited about the campaign,” Store Manager Shelli Cook, #543, Duncan, S.C. said.


Corporate facility services took the campaign theme literally. For every 10 cents raised, associates attached a paper link to form a chain. Each link included the donation amount and an example of how that money could benefit the community. The first links were hung at four locations in the building, with a goal to have at least one full chain — approximately 1,000 links — reach Mr. George’s office.

0214IMG_00310214IMG_0987“Our fundraising bought nearly 11,000 total links along walls, staircases and ceilings,” said Technical Communications Administrator Frances Robinson. “In fact, we had so many linked chains, they overflowed into Mr. George’s office, across his desk and piled on the floor.”

Volunteer opportunities

But giving wasn’t limited to the two-week campaign; many of you took action during United Way Days of Caring by volunteering at partner agencies.



Associates in District Manager Walter Laird’s area secured bragging rights at the Columbia, S.C., United Way Day of Action. The associates made up the largest company team, with more than 50 volunteers working at the Richland Library. This is the second time Publix has lead the way in number of volunteers.


Associates in the Jacksonville Division’s southern region volunteered to refurbish homes in their community for their United Way service project. The associates painted, provided landscaping, and made other improvements to eight homes and three community areas to make them more appealing, safe and secure.



“We wanted a large project where we could see dramatic improvement and make an impact in a community,” said District Manager Chad Wilson. “This activity was a hit because it was the first time almost the entire region worked together on a project.”


Publix associates in the Florida Panhandle participated in United Way of Escambia County’s 21st annual Day of Caring. More than 40 associates worked on three projects across Escambia County.



At the Sanders Beach Community Center, associates volunteered to wash a wall of windows that overlooks the Pensacola Bay. At the Epilepsy Society, they painted, raked leaves and removed trash. A third group volunteered with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection as part of their “Keep Pensacola Clean” initiative to pick up trash on the shoreline, removed invasive plant species and hauled bags of recycled oyster shells to protect the shoreline.

“Our Publix associates had a wonderful time working in our community to make it a better place,” said District Manager Jackie Gouge. “This is why it is so wonderful being a part of Publix!”

Each month, associates in District Manager Allyn Welch’s area volunteer at a United Way-funded organization.

“These volunteer opportunities are teaching our associates the importance of giving back,” said Assistant Customer Service Manager Eileen Godfrey, #705, Largo, Fla. “We’re proud to support our mission as responsible citizens in our community.”

Store Manager John Wentworth, #78, Sebring, Fla., told his associates he would shave his head if the store reached its 2013 United Way campaign goal.


When the store raised more than $26,000, two other managers sacrificed themselves in celebration. Assistant Store Manager Jeff Anderson not only didthe honors of shaving John’s hair, he also shaved his mustache. And, Assistant Customer Service Manager Donna Pryce allowed associates to throw pies at her.

Publix is the largest contributor to United Way in Highlands County.



Associates in District Manager Greg Chambless’ area turned a one-time volunteer opportunity into multiple days of caring. Fourteen associates volunteered at a local food bank to sort 20 pallets of food for the needy. A few days later, more than 30 volunteers painted rooms at Polk County’s Adult Day Training Center. But they still had more to give. Twenty-two associates delivered 257 boxes of food and other supplies to Volunteers in Service to the Elderly (VISTE), an organization that enables elderly people to continue living independently and safely in their own homes.


Making a charitable donation makes some people feel super. When associates at #640, St. Petersburg, Fla., surpassed their United Way fundraising goals, the management team dressed up as superheroes.

“We decided to share the day with our customers because they’re part of why we give back to the community,” said Assistant Store Manager Jessica Custer. “We are all connected, and we can be superheroes in our communities through our donations and involvement.”


For their Day of Caring, associates in District Manager Lillian Cook’s area volunteered at the Gertrude Walden Day Care and the Treasure Coast Food Bank. Lillian also took the opportunity to teach associates about our food donation programs.

“We had an unbelievable turnout, and it really made an impact for these associates to see the needs in our community,” Lillian said.


Distribution associates put on their game faces during a softball tournament to benefit United Way.

“We raised a lot of money for United Way, and we were really excited about that,” said Director of Warehousing Casey Suarez. “But almost as important, we had a lot of fun. It was great to see the camaraderie of our associates and their families.”

United Way appreciates you!

Did you know Publix is ranked as United Way’s third most generous company in corporate giving? Only Wells Fargo and UPS have given more money to United Way.

Because our associates and Publix Super Markets Charities have donated so much to United Way, we hold an appreciation day each year to celebrate our associates and all we do for our communities. On Feb. 20, United Way representatives will visit many work locations to thank you for your contributions.

In 2013, associates raised $29.5 million to support United Way. Combined with a $22.2 million match from Publix Super Markets Charities, our total contribution to United Way organizations was $51.7 million.

Every year, our stores are challenged to raise the highest donation as a percent of payroll in their district. The top-donating stores from each division are

Division Store #, Location % of payroll
Atlanta #1391, Pell City, Ala. 1.90
Charlotte #506, Aiken, S.C. 2.14
Jacksonville #1377, Dothan, Ala. 2.04
Lakeland #681, Holmes Beach, Fla. 1.77
Miami #1102, Fort Pierce, Fla. 1.72