Good nutrition fuels your body
Whether you’re heading out for a family bike ride, training for your first 5K or a veteran athlete looking to beat your best time, good nutrition is an excellent way to fuel your body. Eating right before, during and after your workout can help improve your stamina, as well as help with your endurance and recovery.
Most people don’t need to eat before a workout, but if your last meal was more than two hours ago, a snack may be in order. Pre-workout snacks help maintain blood sugar levels during exercise and may enhance your stamina and endurance. Also, foods low in fat and fiber are more easily digestible and help minimize stomach issues. If solids don’t sit well with you before a vigorous workout, consider sports drinks, juices or energy gels.
It’s important to drink plenty of fluids to help maintain your hydration while working out. Depending on your body, the type of exercise you’re doing, and how hot or cold it is around you,your needs for fluids can vary. Pay attention to your hydration while you work out. For shorter sessions, plain water is fine.
Staying hydrated and eating appropriate foods after exercise can improve your recovery. You can consume flavorful sports drinks and foods such as soup, fruits and vegetables to help rehydrate your body. Replacing muscle glycogen (stored energy) in the liver and muscles is an important factor in proper recovery after exercise. Research has shown there is a window of opportunity within the first 30 minutes after exercise to optimize muscle glycogen replenishment. Along with carbohydrates, it may be beneficial to consume protein to help build and repair muscle tissue. Some good examples include a post-workout smoothie with whey protein and fruit, chocolate milk, yogurt and fruit, or a nutrition bar.