By Hannah - January 1, 2015

Inspired in the checkout lane


It’s January — the time of year millions of people try to forget last year’s setbacks and focus on setting and accomplishing new goals.

Cashier Ronnie Frostig, #664, Atlanta
It’s time to get smart about your goals
Life. Inspired. Contest winners share their inspiration
Online Exclusive
My 2015 Life> Inspired. Smart goal
Berry protein smoothie
5 tips for getting your activity in when you think you can’t!

Some might call Cashier Ronnie Frostig, #664, Atlanta, the ultimate goal setter. Thirty years ago, feeling like he needed to shed a few pounds, he picked up running — and he hasn’t stopped. Last October, Ronnie achieved the lofty goal of completing a marathon in every state in the U.S.

“I didn’t start out with the goal in mind to run a race in each state,” said Ronnie. “I just wanted to go to different places to sightsee and would run a marathon while I was there. After I had been to so many states, I decided to go for all 50.”

Many would consider that an achievement of a lifetime. But Ronnie has another even larger goal — to race on every continent. Next month, he’ll travel to Antarctica to compete in the White Continent Marathon.

“It’ll be summertime there, but it’ll still be cold!” said Ronnie. “I’m looking forward to checking this one off my list.”

While his accomplishments are beyond most peoples’ wildest dreams, Ronnie believes everyone should go for their goals, no matter their size or what you believe to be your level of capability.

“I wouldn’t have imagined I could do this 30 years ago, but I’m doing it,” said Ronnie. “All it takes is deciding to do something and then giving it all you’ve got.”

Ronnie gives it all he’s got on the race course and at work. He’s somewhat of a local celebrity in his store, where crowds of regular customers wait in line to hear tales of his latest races. Ronnie wants to hear their stories, too. He says success — whether at work or at home — is all about attitude.

“My secret is to just be positive,” said Ronnie. “A positive attitude will carry you far.”

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It’s time to get smart about your goals

0115MendiMcDowellAfter I graduated from college, I obtained my certification for personal training and immediately began training clients to meet their health and wellness goals. It always amazed me the flood of clients I would see in January and how many of them stopped coming as the year went on. It was easy to see some of them were making New Year’s resolutions they just didn’t keep.

Fast forward 15 years to today, and things haven’t changed. January through March, fitness center members have a hard time even finding an available machine. But come April, aside from a few working on getting in shape for summer, fitness centers thin out with just the regulars to keep it going.

So why is it that we start something with the greatest of intentions but then quickly fizzle out? Is it a loss of motivation? Or was it that we didn’t set achievable goals from the start?

This new year, set yourself up for success by setting a Life. Inspired. smart goal — one that is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. Write your smart goal down, and share your goal with as many people as you can for added accountability. We owe it to ourselves to give it our all when it comes to reaching our health and wellness goals this year.

Best of health,

Mendi McDowell
Manager of Associate Wellness

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Life. Inspired. Contest winners share their inspiration

Customer Service Manager Brandon Goldberg
#1442, Charlotte, North Carolina

0115BrandonGoldbergFamilyHiking in the uncharted woods of Charlotte, North Carolina, with my family is a reflection of our adventure to this new state. Moving to Charlotte with my wife, daughter and son to open the first store in North Carolina was exciting and rewarding.

We hike because we believe the body was made to move. We hike to encourage our children to stay active and be free. We hike because life doesn’t come with maps or directions, but with tiny steps of everyday inspiration that ultimately make up who we are. This is my Life. Inspired.

Assistant Customer Service Manager Ramona Masi
#374, Clearwater, Florida

0115RamonaMasiIn 2013, I decided I had to make a big life change and stick to it. I needed to lose weight and change my style of living. I woke up one day and said this was it — today is the day I start. I cut out bad food and started eating healthy. I started working out and it felt good, but I still needed more. So I hired a personal trainer named Anna. She has built a confidence in me I never knew I had.

I am doing things I never thought I could. I take Zumba, spin and aerobics classes, and I go to an exercise boot camp. In March 2014, I completed my first 5K race.

I have heard from numerous people that they see my pictures and read my posts on Facebook and that I inspire them [having lost 118 pounds]. It means so much to me that I can help someone the way so many people have helped and are helping me.

Former Front Service Clerk Randy Blakely
#1143, Newnan, Georgia

Is it possible for a person to redefine themselves at age 55? I can answer a definite “yes.” A while back, I decided to make several dietary changes to improve my health. I also started playing basketball twice a week and lifting weights. I play basketball outdoors in a park in a wooded area, and I love to hear the sounds of the birds, squirrels, chipmunks and insects as well as take in the beauty of the trees while I play. I now feel I’m 10 times stronger and 10 times more energetic than I was at 20. I’m also currently teaching myself to play the electric guitar and read music. My life proves you can live an inspired life and reinvent yourself at 55 or at any age!

General Manager of Deerfield Dairy Plant Mike Melville

0115MikeMelvilleFamilyMy story of personal wellness goes back about 18 years. It wasn’t a loss of a family member or loved one or a serious health condition. It was simply one day looking in the mirror and realizing I was in my late 20s, but I had the body of a 40-year-old, unhealthy person.

I started simply lifting weights a couple days a week. In between those workouts, I started running short distances. Once I started, I never stopped. I could see and feel the results every week.

Five years ago, just after I turned 40, a co-worker and I challenged each other to a triathlon, and that sport has become my fitness passion.

All along the way, I have shared my story of fitness and healthy living with my family, friends and co-workers, always trying to get them involved and be healthy. My inspiration is to live a long and healthy life and to encourage others to do the same. Get fit, stay healthy and inspire others around you. What a great way to live!

Liquor Specialist Cynthia Smith
#1339, Palm Coast, Florida

0115CynthiaSmithPublix is a huge part of my healthy lifestyle. At 50, I left a full-time job, moved to the west coast of Florida and started working at Publix part time in Brooksville, Florida. My motivation was to serve in a company that valued excellent customer service in a position where flexible hours were possible. As a part-timer, I preferred closing shifts and spent four to five mornings a week taking long rides on my road bike on the beautiful Withlacoochee Trail.

I’m pleased with my decision to think outside of the box and find a way to earn a living and do what I love.

Our Life. Inspired. winners were randomly selected from all contest entries and received a $50 Publix gift card.

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Online Exclusive

Assistant Customer Service Manager Ramona Masi
#374, Clearwater, Florida

0115RamonaMasi_A 0115RamonaMasi_Group2

General Manager of Deerfield Dairy Plant Mike Melville


Liquor Specialist Cynthia Smith
#1339, Palm Coast, Florida


Customer Care Specialist Melissa Previte

0115MelissaPreviteWorking out at the gym and eating healthy can be a very intimidating task to take on by yourself. It takes a lot of dedication and personal mental strength. My own wellness journey began after my grandmother passed away about a year ago. I found myself slightly depressed and not motivated to do anything. I just lost my best friend, along with my desire to worry about my health. I didn’t really care about my eating habits or how the lack of physical activity affected my life until one day a friend noticed my weight gain in a picture. I couldn’t believe what I was doing to myself. It was time to make some positive changes in my life and make my health a top priority.

To build some motivation, a few friends at work invited me to a Zumba fitness class. I was apprehensive at first because I’m not really a “dancer,” but I decided to give it a try. Well, it turns out that was all I needed to jump start my new fitness routine. I fell in love with exercising and was actually getting excited to go to the gym. That was four months ago. I now see a personal trainer three times a week, as well as attend a few group fitness classes. I’ve completely changed my diet and in that short period of time I’ve lost 15 pounds.

The most amazing part of this journey is not only am I changing my physical appearance, but now body is reacting to this positive change. I just had my yearly doctor visit and, to my surprise, my resting heart rate has dropped (which is normal for most athletes) and so has my cholesterol. These are huge steps I’ve achieved in a very short amount of time. Your health is something you should take control of and focusing on it is always a constant battle, but support and motivation from your loved ones is the key. I have even been able to get my husband to go to a Zumba class. It really goes to show that once you begin, the rest is easy.

Deli Clerk CarriJo Anderson
#114, Wilton Manors, Florida

0115CarriJoAnderson.jpgI began my career at Publix in March 2013. The next month, I was rushed to the emergency room with excruciating abdominal pain that later proved to be a severe blockage in my upper intestine. After surgery to remove part of my intestine and a month in the hospital, Publix willingly rehired me.

This wakeup call alerted me to health issues that seemed preventable. I decided to focus on what I was eating and drinking and my lack of physical activity. Steps were small initially. I began drinking water in lieu of other beverages. I increased my fruits, grains and vegetable intake while gradually reducing less healthy options. As the weight fell off, I started feeling great, so I picked up the pace. Now 35 pounds lighter, I feel terrific with a rejuvenated energy and excitement about life. With all the healthy foods Publix carries and the labeling of shelves that makes them easy to find, maintaining a healthy weight feels effortless. Thank you Publix for all your help.

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My 2015 Life. Inspired smart goal


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Berry protein smoothie


Total Time: 5 minutes, Active Time: 5 minutes
(Makes 4 servings)


  • 3 cups Publix GreenWise low-fat milk
  • 1 tablespoon Publix GreenWise organic honey
  • 1 tablespoon Publix GreenWise vanilla whey protein (or 1 scoop)
  • 2 cups frozen Publix GreenWise strawberries (or blueberries)
  • 1 tablespoon Publix GreenWise flax seeds, ground (optional)
  • 2 tablespoons reduced-fat peanut butter (or almond butter)


  1. Place all ingredients in blender.
  2. Blend until smooth.
  3. Pour into serving glasses and serve.

CALORIES (per 1/4 recipe) 190kcal; FAT 5g; SAT FAT 2g; TRANS FAT 0g; CHOL 15mg; SODIUM 140mg; CARB 24g; FIBER 2g; SUGARS 18g; PROTEIN 13g; VIT A 8%; VIT C 50%; CALC 45%; IRON 4%

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5 tips for getting your activity in when you think you can’t!


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