By Karyn - February 1, 2015

Giving more than he receives


Customer Service Team Leader Matt Miller, #671, Lakeland, Florida, came to Publix looking for a job. Not only has he found a career, he’s also found passion for United Way, which he shared this year as a United Way associate on loan.

After his first United Way meeting to kick off his store’s fundraising campaign, Matt was inspired to volunteer.

“I’ve always been one to try to give more than I receive,” he said. “When I heard how many people are touched by United Way, I decided to volunteer at the local office.”

But Matt felt he had more to give. For two years, he served as his store’s United Way coordinator and joined United Way’s Community Investment Team. Those roles prepared him for his role as a United Way associate on loan.

“I gave presentations about United Way to local companies and offered ideas to help them raise money,” said Matt. “It was really inspiring to see how many generous people in our community are willing to help others.”

Matt loves to give because United Way helps people from every walk of life and helps support those who need it most.

“I believe in the Mr. George story — that he’d be worth nothing if he hadn’t given away so much,” said Matt. “It’s the right thing to do to help the people in our communities.”

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Our 2014 United Way campaign marked another milestone in associate generosity. You showed why you love to give here by raising $31.1 million for United Way. Combined with Publix Super Markets Charities’ $23.3 million match, our total contribution to United Way was $54.4 million.

Check out some of the ways associates around the company raised this record-setting amount. But they didn’t stop there — on United Way Days of Caring, they shared the love by giving back to their communities.

0215IMG_0120 Publix associates and customers donated school supplies collected during the Tools for School campaign to benefit the United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley.
02152nd-Harvest-6-24-14-2 Each month, associates in District Manager Rose Thornton’s area volunteer at a different United Way partner agency. Most recently, they’ve served and eaten lunch with seniors through Aging Matters in Brevard, and organized and delivered food for Second Harvest Food Bank.
0215IMAG1124 Retired associate Lynn Robinson — sister of Forecaster Pam McCarter — made this cake for the corporate purchasing department to auction off during the United Way campaign.
0215I.M.-Sulzbacher-Center-02 For their Day of Caring, associates from #263, #1037 and #1066, Jacksonville, Florida, prepared and served a meal at the I.M. Sulzbacher Center. In addition to food, the center provides shelter, health care, children’s programs, job placement assistance and life skills programs for homeless men, women and children.
0215IMG_0956 Employees from several companies came together for the United Way of Broward County’s Day of Caring. Publix associates from across the county volunteered in community clean-up projects, and Publix provided lunch for everyone.
Associates in District Manager Randy Burt’s area participated in a Day of Caring at the Montgomery Newtown Senior Center. Volunteers prepared more than 100 meals and delivered about 70 of those to home-bound seniors in the area.
0215publix1 Customers and associates in Tallahassee, Florida, collected hundreds of pounds — approximately $5,000 worth — of school supplies that were donated to United Way of the Big Bend.
0215Cake-Collage Corporate manufacturing held a cake auction to help raise money during the United Way campaign.
0215Nassau-Council-on-Aging-19 Rain didn’t stop associates from #322, Fernandina Beach, Florida; #731, Jacksonville, Florida; and #1406, Yulee, Florida, from making a difference. The volunteers spent their Day of Caring at The Council on Aging of Nassau County, clearing land and adding landscaping to brighten the views.
0215UW-Columbus-Center All five stores in Columbus, Georgia, assisted with landscaping and yard work at the Columbus Community Center, an after-school education center for kids.
  For two weeks, the five Bay County, Florida, stores collected items like toilet paper, paper towels and notebook paper, which were donated and distributed to United Way of Northwest Florida agencies.
0215MarkHolihan For their Day of Caring, associates from now-retired District Manager Mark Holihan’s area served meals at the Gateway Center in Atlanta. The center works to provide the tools, programs and services people need to end their homelessness.
0215Merrill-Road-Elementary-04 Associates from #19, #589 and #1177, Jacksonville, Florida, spent their Day of Caring at Merrill Road Elementary School, where they helped with landscaping.
0215Kourosh-1 Associates in District Manager Kourosh Noorbehesht’s area participated in two service events. One group volunteered at a north Georgia food bank, where they organized and packaged goods for donations. Another group put together cards for underprivileged children.
Andrew Robinson Elementary Several associates from #849, #884, #1176 and #1283, Jacksonville, Florida, spent their Day of Caring by helping landscape at Andrew Robinson Elementary School.
  Associates from the corporate office volunteered at the 4th Annual Day of Mentoring. The fall festival provided a meaningful, fun event for 50 children waiting to be matched in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program.
0215FeedingChildren2 Assistant Customer Service Manager — and Palm Beach County United Way Associate on Loan — Kirsten Stetchman, #1405, Boynton Beach, Florida, arranged for 15 associates to participate in the Feeding Children Everywhere event. The volunteers helped make more than 10,500 meals for local children and families.
0215Yates-YMCA-02 Associates from the Jacksonville, Florida, area painted walls and provided landscaping at the YMCA of Florida’s First Coast.