By Karyn - November 1, 2014

Manager makes a difference by paying it forward


When Austin New was first hired as a grocery clerk, he didn’t envision himself becoming a deli manager. After a break in service, Austin was rehired as a deli clerk, and he was excited for the opportunity to return to serving people.

“I knew I wanted to come back to Publix, and getting rehired in the deli was a blessing,” said Austin. “I’ve had really good teams, and we’ve all been like a family.”

Austin leads by example — a trait he learned from one of his deli managers, Karen Jones, #866, Clearwater, Florida. Karen took him under her wing and mentored him, pointing out the great benefits Publix offers and Austin’s potential for a career in management.

“Karen encouraged me to see things differently, and it meant a lot that she took an interest in me,” he said. “I want to be that person for my associates.”

Today, as the deli manager at #1034, Largo, Florida, Austin is paying it forward. Just like he was mentored, he shows associates how to perform tasks and explains why it’s important to follow established processes.

“Making a difference in someone’s life is part of what Publix is about,” said Austin. “It makes me feel good to see associates grow and succeed, and to know I played a role in their development.”

It’s important for Deli Manager Austin New to take care of his associates so they can better serve customers. Learn the latest way Publix will take care of customers’ need this holiday season with OEO.