By Karyn - March 1, 2014

George W. Jenkins award winners follow in our founder’s footsteps


The George W. Jenkins Award is Publix’s most prestigious award. It recognizes our finest managers who follow Mr. George’s rich tradition of leadership, yet work in their own unique ways to perpetuate our culture.

Meet this year’s group of managers who demonstrate outstanding merchandising ability, training, leadership and team-building skills, expertise in the promotion of others, participation in continuous improvement and involvement in the community.

Atlanta Division – Store Manager Tony Johnsey
Jacksonville Division – Store Manager Ken Gilbert
Lakeland Division – Store Manager Buddy Kubesh
Miami Division – Store Manager Talla McGahee
Support – Deli Kitchen General Manager Mike Williams

0314GWJATLTonyJohnseyAtlanta Division
Store Manager Tony Johnsey
#816, McDonough, Ga.

What brought you to Publix?
I wanted to buy a car when I turned 16, so my grandfather researched companies, and Publix seemed like a great place to work.

Why did you go into management?
My store manager treated us like we were part of his extended family, and he inspired me to continue that legacy.

How do you live Mr. George’s legacy every day?
I try to always be there for my associates and help out wherever I’m needed.

What does winning this award mean to you?
It’s a huge honor — a dream come true — to be recognized as a strong leader and for helping develop future leaders.

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What did you want to be when you were little?
A police officer

When were you hired at Publix, and what was your first job?
1980. I was a front-service clerk.

What do you enjoy most about your current job?
The opportunity to interact with our customers and seeing my associates grow

What strategic task do you focus on with your team?
Premier service has always been a strong foundation for Publix.

How has Publix influenced you?
I understand the importance of giving back. My career has been a lifelong evolution, both personally and professionally. I’ve learned to give premier service in whatever I’m doing.

What has changed the most about Publix since you were first hired?
Technology. It’s a constant challenge and gives me something to learn.

Did you ever meet Mr. George?
My store had just gone through a remodel. Mr. George and Howard came to visit, and Mr. George was so humble. I was just a grocery clerk, but he came over and talked to me for what seemed like 15 – 20 minutes to get my opinion on the store.

What is your favorite Publix memory?
When I worked in Winter Haven, Mr. George and Mr. Charlie would come in to do our benefits meetings. That was pretty cool.

How do you spend your spare time?
I love to fish, I golf a little, and I try to spend as much time as possible with my daughters. I’ve coached my youngest daughter’s softball team since she was 8.

What’s your favorite Publix product?
Publix eggnog

What’s currently playing in your iPod?
Imagine Dragons

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0314GWJJAXKenGilbertJacksonville Division
Store Manager Ken Gilbert
#1367, Neptune Beach, Fla.

What brought you to Publix?
My older brother [retired District Manager Daryl Gilbert] worked for Publix, and I wanted to follow in his footsteps.

Why did you go into management?
I’m pretty high-energy. Being in management seems like things never stop, and I love that every day is different.

How do you live Mr. George’s legacy every day?
My goal is to talk to every associate every day. I want to make each person feel important and help them grow into whatever they want.

What does winning this award mean to you?
I’m shocked, humbled and honored. I want to share the award with everyone. It’s really cool to be recognized for something that just comes naturally.

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What did you want to be when you were little?
I always wanted to work for Publix.

When were you hired at Publix, and what was your first job?
1982. I was a front-service clerk.

What do you enjoy most about your current job?
Working with people, and making my store look like it just opened

What strategic task do you focus on with your team?
Premier service — I treat my customers like Mr. George did, and I coach my associates to do the same.

How has Publix influenced you?
Publix has given me a career; this is all I’ve ever known or done. Publix gave me a job to do something that I do naturally, and that’s serve people.

What has changed the most about Publix since you were first hired?
Our strategy hasn’t changed, but how we operate has — we’re more focused today.

What is your favorite Publix memory?
When I made store manager, I moved from Titusville, Fla., to Kingsland, Ga. I got a big store with low volume, but it didn’t matter to me because I was the manager.

How do you spend your spare time?
I have about an hour commute each way, so I look forward to any time I can spend with my wife and daughters.

What’s your favorite Publix product?
Publix Premium Heavenly Hash ice cream

What’s currently playing in your iPod?
I don’t have one, but if I did, it would be country music.

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0314GWJ-LAKBuddyKubeshLakeland Division
Store Manager Buddy Kubesh
#775, Fort Myers, Fla.

What brought you to Publix?
I was in high school and needed a job. My dad was one of Publix’s suppliers, and he told me to apply to Publix.

Why did you go into management?
I felt like it was something I needed to do. My managers inspired me to bring more to the company, and I knew I wanted to build my career here.

How do you live Mr. George’s legacy every day?
I treat our customers like queens and kings, and I hire people who have that same approach. We can never lose that focus.

What does winning this award mean to you?
I’m blown away to have my name connected with Mr. George’s legacy. I’m truly blessed to work for the best company in the world.

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What did you want to be when you were little?
A fireman

When were you hired at Publix, and what was your first job?
1979. I was a front-service clerk.

What do you enjoy most about your current job?
Interacting with people — serving customers and making sure I’m in touch with my associates

What strategic task do you focus on with your team?
We need to deliver premier service. Everything we do needs to respect our customers’ time. We’re in the people business; we just happen to sell groceries.

How has Publix influenced you?
I’m proud of how Mr. George had a plan, and it’s still the same now. Publix is so well respected in our communities — we’re celebrities. I’m proud to be a small part of all that.

What has changed the most about Publix since you were first hired?
The company we’ve grown. It’s amazing how much growth we’ve had, but yet we still have a family atmosphere.

What is your favorite Publix memory?
I met Mr. Joe [Blanton, Publix’s president at the time] when I was about 18. He asked about my goals and talked about my future at Publix. He took a real interest in me.

Did you ever meet Mr. George?
When I met him, he had had his stroke and was in his wheelchair. I was impressed he was still visiting stores. It showed how much love he must have felt for his company.

How do you spend your spare time?
I’m into fixing up houses. I also volunteer with our local mobile food drives — we distribute food to needy families during the summer.

What’s your favorite Publix product?
Our bakery breakfast bread and Publix eggnog

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0314GWJ-MIATallMcGaheeMiami Division
Store Manager Talla McGahee
#1006, Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.

What brought you to Publix?
My dad told me I needed to pay for gas for my car, so I applied to Publix.

Why did you go into management?
My district manager saw my potential, and he talked to me about growing my career at Publix.

How do you live Mr. George’s legacy every day?
I really get to know my associates. I like to have fun at work and empower my associates to make their own decisions. I’m their biggest cheerleader.

What does winning this award mean to you?
It’s surreal. I’m recognized for something I love to do, and I’m just doing what Mr. George set out to do.

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What did you want to be when you were little?
A forensic accountant

When were you hired at Publix, and what was your first job?
1990. I was a cashier.

What do you enjoy most about your current job?
Training my associates and seeing them get promoted

What strategic task do you focus on with your team?
I like to promote the Publix culture to our associates, so our future leaders know what we’ve learned and experienced.

How has Publix influenced you?
Everyone says Publix is a great place to work, and it really is. I’m proud I have a role in making that a true statement.

What has changed the most about Publix since you were first hired?
Technology. It’s given us more opportunities.

What is your favorite Publix memory?
When I was promoted to store manager. Mr. White and Mr. Fauerbach came to my store. It was very special.

How do you spend your spare time?
I enjoy shopping and spending time with my daughter and watching her dance.

What’s your favorite Publix product?
Publix Premium chocolate ice cream

What’s currently playing in your iPod?
I share an iPod with my daughter, so there’s a little bit of everything!

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Deli Kitchen General Manager Mike Williams

What brought you to Publix?
Publix was building the deli kitchen. My family was in the meat business, and I had some experience in the field, so I applied and was hired.

Why did you go into management?
I had an opportunity to grow my career as we grew the deli kitchen and our business. It was a natural progression.

How do you live Mr. George’s legacy every day?
Treat people right — whether they’re an associate, supplier or retail customer. We have to make ourselves available and take care of them.

What does winning this award mean to you?
I always thought past winners must be proud. Now that I’m one of them, it’s like a dream. I’m so lucky I’m a part of manufacturing and this company.

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What did you want to be when you were little?
An oceanographer

When were you hired at Publix, and what was your first job?
1984. I was a meat cutter at the deli kitchen.

What do you enjoy most about your current job?
Executing plans and helping associates grow and get promoted

What strategic task do you focus on with your team?
I focus on productivity and managing labor, associate safety and food safety, as well as making sure our facility and equipment investments are in line with Publix’s strategy.

How has Publix influenced you?
Publix stands for all the right things. I’m a better person because of that, and I feel a responsibility to manage our assets, lead people and be a role model in our business.

What has changed the most about Publix since you were first hired?
Our growth from 300 stores to now. It’s changed the demands of our business.

What is your favorite Publix memory?
I attended our first store opening in Nashville, Tenn., and it was a pleasure to see Howard, Ed and Charlie talk about the strategy of moving into a new state.

Did you ever meet Mr. George?
I never met him at Publix, but I would see him around Lakeland when I was growing up. He seemed like a tremendous person, always caring for people. You could tell how much Publix and people meant to him.

How do you spend your spare time?
Spending time with my family, reading and walking

What’s your favorite Publix product?
Our new deli buffalo chicken dip

What’s currently playing in your iPod?
Music from the 1960s

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