By Christy - June 1, 2014

A great place to work contest results are in — drum roll please


In April, we asked you to share your story about why your store, department or simply this company is the best place to work. For this contest there were no rules, so we received all kinds of entries. From letters to essays to drawings, there were plenty to choose from, but we could only name five winners.

And without further ado, here are the winners.

(Try our new feature and click on the images to see them “pop!”)

0614GPTW_BookThrough the eyes of Distribution Support Clerk Dwann Adamson, Lakeland Dispatch, Publix is a great place to work with many opportunities for success. Her scrapbook is filled with poems, picture collages and Publix mementos. Within the handmade pages, she walks us through her Publix story, Mr. George’s story, plus a rhyme about the variety of jobs at Publix. And, we can’t fail to mention all the Publix keepsakes used to decorate the pages. There’s no doubt this scrapbook was made with love for Publix — Dwann’s great place to work.

0614GPTW003Front Service Clerk Martin Rutkowski, #1258, Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, just knew he was going to love working for Publix before he even started. All it took to convince him his store was a great place to work was a smile from his customer service manager. From there, he decided to share the happiness he saw among his store team by creating a canvas with everyone’s smiling faces. For Martin, this canvas is just one example of why his store is a great place to work, and we couldn’t agree more.

0614GPTW_RoyalsThe creative juices must have been flowing when Grocery Clerk Pamela Horn, #1348, South Pasadena, Florida, wrote a “Publix” parody of Lorde’s “Royals.” Once you get the tune in your head, you can sing right along. Instead of singing “And, we’ll never be royals (royals),” sing “And we’ll always be Publix (Publix).” The Publix song of the year and a Great Place to Work contest winner is “Publix” by Pamela Horn.

0614SelfieGPTW002Selfies are all the rage these days. Cashier Christian Ross Nowviskie, #827, Holly Hill, Florida, incorporated this trend for his entry into the Great Place to Work contest. He submitted his own selfie with the one and only Mr. George. He also included a post about why he loves Publix. This clever and realistic selfie couldn’t go unshared. #PublixCulture

0614_GPTW_PresentationStore #1011, Palm Harbor, Florida, sure looks like a great place to work — just look at this picture board! Check out the cool costumes for special events, store celebrations with customers and more. Bakery Manager Jamie Brittingham and his team couldn’t send in their submission without a fun video featuring their rendition of the Harlem Shake, and singing and dancing to the YMCA.

Online Exclusive

Flip through the pages of Distribution Support Clerk Dwann Adamson’s scrapbook.

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Front Service Clerk Martin Rutkowski, #1258, Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, explains the picture of his smiling team.


Sing along to the lyrics by Grocery Clerk Pamela Horn, #1348 and  listen to the recording of “Publix” by Retail Communications Specialist Annie Mears. 

Publix news contest winner

Bakery Manager Jamie Brittingham shows his store #1011, Palm Harbor, Florida, is a great 

place to work with this picture board and letter.
