As we turn the page on our calendars, we reflect upon the past and set out to make the next trip around the sun better than the one before it. And for us, this begins with a new look for our printed version of Publix News.
It begins with an engaging cover. The layout is clean and simple.
Articles to explore online
And you don’t get too far without getting a taste of more articles you can find online. (We have more to share than what can fit inside the printed issue.)
What you’ll still find in print
But don’t worry; it’s not a total transformation. All the things you have come to expect from Publix News are still here for you to read:
- a message from Todd
- interesting stories about your fellow associates
- a peek inside what’s happening around our company and
- information that can help you outside of work.
So why the change to our print version?
To make it better for you. We want the cover to draw you in, the layout to be easy to read, the information to be insightful and stories to leave you smiling.
If you pick up the print version, we hope you enjoy the new changes and thank you for allowing us to share it with you.