By Meredith - October 1, 2019

Busting flu shot myths

Publix pharmacists dispel popular myths about the flu shot.

I’m young and healthy, so I don’t need it.

Pharmacy Manager Andrea Robinson, #1277, Valrico, Florida (pictured left): This is a misconception held by a lot of people. The flu is a very serious illness that can lead to even more severe problems. Even people who are very healthy and have no chronic illnesses can develop pneumonia or become hospitalized because of the flu.

Pharmacy Manager Austin Lofthouse, #1103, Auburndale, Florida (pictured center): As Publix associates, we come in contact with a lot of younger children, elderly people and family members who might be at higher risk for complications from the flu.

Pharmacy Manager Brittany Finley, #1132, Brooksville, Florida (pictured right): I always tell people, if you don’t get the flu shot to protect yourself, get it for the people you love.

The flu shot gave me the flu.

Brittany: You cannot get the flu from a flu shot. It’s a deadened virus, so it’s completely inactive, which means it doesn’t have the ability to get you sick.

Austin: The vaccine exposes your body to pieces of the deadened flu virus so your body can build antigens, a line of defense that helps your body attack the flu virus if you’re exposed to it later.

I got the flu after I got the flu shot, so it didn’t work.

Andrea: Some people can get the flu after getting the vaccine because it takes 14 days to really build up your immunity. So, if you were exposed to the flu shortly before receiving your vaccine or during that 14-day period, you could still catch the flu.

Austin: Scientists work very hard to predict each year’s virus and where it’s going because it changes every year. Even if this year’s vaccine isn’t 100% effective, it still provides coverage. Your body still builds a defense.

Brittany: If you do get the flu, it won’t be as severe, and it won’t last as long.

I wash my hands a lot, so I won’t get the flu.

Austin: Washing your hands is a great health hygiene practice, and it’s something that should be done. It can help protect you against flu droplets you pick up on your hands. But the flu is also transmitted through air droplets. Say you’re standing in line next to somebody who has the flu and they sneeze, you can still be in contact with the air droplets that expose you to the flu. So, the flu shot really is your best protection against the flu virus.

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The flu is just a bad cold.

Andrea: A cold is a much milder illness, typically lasting only 3-5 days. Symptoms are pretty mild, and it’s very rare to encounter problems or be sent to the hospital because of a cold. The flu is a very different situation. Symptoms include fever, chills and body aches. It can cause you to miss work for a longer time period, and there are greater risks for more complications like pneumonia or hospitalization.

The flu shot isn’t safe.

Brittany: There have been a lot of studies disproving the misinformation about the flu shot causing illnesses. The flu shot is safe.

Andrea: The risks for any severe side effects or complications are extremely rare. If we do see any side effects, they tend to be very mild and may include a low-grade fever, mild headache or a little bit of achiness for a day or two.

Why do you get the flu shot?

Austin: I love spending time with my grandfather. Unfortunately, he has some health conditions that put him at risk for complications of the flu. So, I get my flu shot for him, and I advise others to do it to protect the people they love.

Bite back against the flu

Free flu shots are available to Publix associates through Feb. 29, 2020. And don’t forget — family members living in your household can get their flu shot at a discounted price. Learn more about the associate free flu shot program.