By Erin - May 3, 2021

Career advancement tips from a Publix recruiter

Have you ever wanted to pick a recruiter’s brain? You’re in luck! We asked Publix Talent Acquisition Consultant Christina Zarella to answer your pressing questions. Read her tips on everything from writing resumes to preparing for an interview.

What’s the best way to get into management at Publix after just being hired at the store?

Some steps you can take are:

  • Talk to your department manager about your interest in learning more about Publix and becoming a future leader.
  • Research the skills necessary for advancement and how long you need to be in a role before you’re able to move up.
  • Determine what experience you can gain in non-management that will help you get where you want to go.
  • Take advantage of courses that may be available to you in Learning.
  • Continuously show your initiative, determination and premier customer service. Your attitude determines your altitude.
  • Look for the next management interest period. For retail’s registration of interest (ROI) period, check the Career & Self Development page on PASSport to get started. For industrial operations’ notice of interest (NOI) period, visit

How can an associate make their resume stand out when applying for a corporate position?

Your resume may be the first impression you get to make, so it’s important to put time and effort into writing it. Customize your resume by

  • using a modern layout and
  • listing the most relevant skills and experience you have that are aligned to the position you’re applying for.

For each position you’ve held, use bullets to highlight your accomplishments. Then, ask others to proofread it to catch any font inconsistencies, as well as spelling or grammatical errors. The Publix Checkout blog includes helpful tips on writing a resume and cover letter.

What’s the best advice for an associate who wants to move up?

Grow where you are planted. Once you become an expert in your current job

  • ask for additional tasks and responsibilities
  • take the initiative to learn as much as you can and
  • network with associates and leaders from other departments you are interested in to learn more about their responsibilities.

How can an associate prepare for a corporate interview?

Familiarize yourself with the job posting and department, and review your cover letter and resume. Conduct research into the department ahead of time. You can use the Publix Careers website as a resource to learn about various support areas. Identify some questions you might be asked and practice responding to them with a family member, friend or mentor.

It is important to be able to explain and showcase your interest in the role and knowledge of the position. First impressions are lasting impressions. Remember to

  • be on time for the interview
  • have a positive attitude
  • smile and
  • dress for success — whether you have an in-person or virtual interview.

See even more interview tips on our website.

What makes a candidate stand out for any Publix position?

Going the extra mile to express enthusiasm about the opportunity, knowledge about Publix and examples of servant leadership may help you stand out. Add a cover letter to your submission to illustrate your experience, knowledge and soft skills that make you an ideal candidate for the position. If you have any of the preferred qualifications for a position, highlight them in your cover letter. Describe your Publix work experience as well as any volunteer, sports, school or professional organization experience you may have.

How do you express interest in transferring to a new store?

Transfer requests are designed to provide current retail associates an opportunity to inform Publix of their interest in transferring to a new store, even if it’s in a different state. It’s a good practice to inform your store manager that you’ve submitted a transfer request and, if possible, alert the store managers in the stores you’re interested in transferring to, so they know of your interest. Visit the Career & Self Development page to submit transfer requests through PASSport. If you request a transfer to a position which requires you to express interest through the ROI process, you must meet the minimum qualifications of the new position.

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Publix recruiters share career tips on how to advance your career with the company.