By Erin - September 1, 2022

Celebrating our founder on Mr. George Day

Happy birthday, Mr. George!

Invest in others
Company ownership began when Mr. George opened the very first Publix store. He wanted his associates to share in his vision and ownership of the company. Publix continues to invest in you today by offering company ownership through our PROFIT Plan and Employee Stock Purchase Plan.

Give back
Giving back was important to Mr. George. He believed it was a responsibility and a privilege. He was involved in the community and generously gave his time, talent and treasure. Giving is still a big part of our culture today. We hold Publix Serves events 2 weeks every year when you and your co-workers can volunteer together in your communities. Many associates support local efforts as well. In addition, you can join customers to give back through register campaigns throughout the year.

Prepare for opportunity
Mr. George encouraged associates to prepare for opportunity. He knew his vision would ensure our continued growth for decades to come. He once said, “I truly believe the future holds before us such fantastic opportunities it is almost beyond belief.” Mr. George created an environment where we value promoting from within, which has allowed many of us to reach our career goals.

Be there
When Mr. George opened Publix, he knew he wanted to be involved in every part of the company. As our company expanded, he made time to visit with his associates and customers, and was engaged in the business’s day-to-day operations. Our leaders continue in Mr. George’s footsteps by attending store openings and service award events, visiting facilities, as well as conducting Associate Appreciation Visits.

Respect the dignity of the individual
Mr. George once said, “If you want people to respect you or your company, you must show respect for them.” It didn’t matter what position you held, he showed respect for all Publix associates and believed everyone should show respect for one another. This remains a core value Publix people still demonstrate today.

Treat customers like royalty
Publix is known for its premier customer service. We go above and beyond to help our customers get what they want, with help from friendly associates in a clean and well-stocked store. We can thank Mr. George for having the goal of operating a better store than the competition. He went out of his way to build relationships with customers and thought of ways to make their shopping experience more pleasurable. The culture of friendly customer service and royal treatment still sets us above the rest today.

Watch videos about each of Mr. George’s lessons to learn more about his legacy.