By - October 1, 2022

Geekin’ out on tech safety

Whether you work from home, take classes or have a habit of shopping online late at night with your favorite show on in the background, there are plenty of ways to keep your home technology safe and protected.

Securing the perimeter
“What’s the Wi-Fi password?” This is a very common question asked by friends or family visiting your home, and a password-protected connection is a necessary security precaution. Be cautious when giving out your Wi-Fi password. If possible, set up a Wi-Fi Guest Network on your router. It is a best practice to change your default passwords on your router and home network. For safer internet surfing, ensure network encryption is turned on.

Cryptic messages
We know we sound like a broken record, but passwords are the key to your kingdom. Using the same password can make a hacker’s job so much easier. It makes your information and your school or work’s network more vulnerable if you are working or taking classes from home. Use a unique password for all of your accounts for the best protection.

Lockin’ up shop
This may seem obvious but locking your computer when you walk away can prevent a stranger from stealing your information or a mischievous toddler from having some fun with your keyboard. Spending the extra 2 seconds to lock your screen can potentially save you from identity theft or having to take more time to fix something.

Out with the old, in with the new
Update reminders can be pesky and relentless, but they exist for a reason! Just like we need a routine checkup or a vaccine booster, technology needs updates to keep them running smoothly. Now, if it were only that easy for us!
