By - June 1, 2020

Get outdoors for your mental health

Did you know getting outdoors is not only good for your physical health, but it can also boost your mental health?

It’s true! Spending time outdoors is one of the fastest ways to boost your mood. With Americans spending an average of 90% of time indoors, finding time to get outside and reconnect with nature is important to our well-being. Studies show spending just 20-30 minutes outside, particularly in green spaces, can significantly reduce the primary stress hormone cortisol. In addition to lowering your stress level, spending time in green spaces has also been shown to reduce depression and anxiety.

While researchers don’t know the exact reason why being outdoors has positive mental health benefits, they believe that it stems from reduced stimulation. These days we’re often bombarded by noise and activity, which can lead to mental fatigue. Nature not only allows us to disconnect from the overstimulation we experience, but it also provides a sense of escape from daily demands.

Think that you need to head off to the woods or the beach to reap the benefits of getting outside? Not so! You can benefit from activities as simple as reading on your porch, starting a garden in your backyard, eating dinner outside or picking up an outdoor hobby.

As the months continue to warm up, it’s the perfect chance to find ways you can spend a little more time in the great outdoors. So, give yourself a mental boost by going green!

Want even more of a boost? Combine your regular exercise with time outside. Go for a power walk in the park or hit the trails on your bike to get added benefits.
