By - August 1, 2022

Give safety the green light with these summer safety tips

Summertime can mean increased traffic as visitors come to town and families embark on vacations. Wherever the road takes you this season, use these defensive driving techniques to stay safe.

Get ready to ride. You’ve packed your sunscreen and beach towel, but what about car essentials? Before you hit the road, attend to any service lights in your car by visiting a trusted mechanic. And keep a few items in your car in case of emergencies, including a tire jack, pressure gauge, jumper cables and more. Pop the hood on the full list of these vehicle maintenance tips.

Beat the heat. Summer in the South gets hot, hot, hot. And that means your car can quickly become an oven on wheels. If you need to make a stop while traveling, never leave your passengers — especially children and pets — unattended in a vehicle. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), a child’s body temperature rises 3 to 5 times faster than that of an adult.

Leave them on read. Stay focused on the road and off your phone. Distracted driving is the No. 1 cause of accidents nationwide, according to the Distracted Driving Coalition — and phones play a major factor. Don’t worry, you can still post that #vacayallday pic to the ‘gram. Just wait until you safely reach your destination.

Keep your eyes on the prize. A few seconds can make a big difference when it comes to avoiding a collision. Be a proactive driver by paying attention to your immediate surroundings like the speed limit, pedestrians, bikers and other vehicles. Try to limit in-vehicle distractions like adjusting the radio, temperature or GPS; and eating or drinking.

Drive safe by driving sober. In 2019, more than 10,000 lives were lost due to drunk driving-related crashes, according to the NHTSA. On average, that’s about 1 person killed every 52 minutes. With the popularity of ridesharing services, there are plenty of options to ensure you get home safely and avoid driving under the influence. The life you save could be your own.

Did you know?
The time it takes to read a text — about 5 seconds — might not seem like much. But that’s about how long it takes your car to travel the length of a football field at 55 miles per hour, according to the NHTSA. Stay alert. Put it down.
