By Kerry - December 1, 2018

Happy holidays from our family to yours

Happy Holidays from our family to yours

Season’s greetings from the very merry team at Publix News! It’s been a joy to share your heartfelt stories and our company news with our Publix family. The holidays are a time for gratitude, and we couldn’t be more grateful for our fellow associates.

Whether you’re putting up a tree, lighting candles or simply enjoying good food with good company, we wish you a festive holiday season and a happy new year with your loved ones. See you in 2019!

Corporate Communications Administrator
Jeff Horn

Corporate Communications Manager
Dena Gregory

Corporate Communications Strategist
Michele Williams

Corporate Communications Senior Developer
Christy Small

Corporate Communications Developers
Megan Chambers
Vivian Delgado
Kerry Joy-Weiss
Meredith Pope

Corporate Communications Coordinator
Emily Topper

Associate Digital Communications Supervisor
Ana Veteto

Digital Team
Gregg Burrage
Tish Horton
Dayanara Hudson
Maria Parada
Amanda Shirah

Graphic Designer
Kelsey Culm

Steve Frankenberger
Mark Batson
Megan Byrne
Brandon Cruz
David Lyko
Zach Odom

Printer & Photo Enhancements
Publix Printing Services