By - April 1, 2021

Let loose with stretching

When we think of exercise, we often think of running, weightlifting and spin classes — the high-intensity workouts. But did you know that stretching is an integral part of exercise? And we’re not just talking about doing it as part of your warmup or cooldown, but as a form of fitness on its own.

Whether you spend most of your day standing at a register, unloading trucks, stocking shelves, driving or sitting at a desk, there are a host of benefits you can reap just by adding stretching to your regular routine. This low-impact exercise keeps muscles flexible and strong, which can help:

  • improve the range of motion in your joints
  • decrease your risk of injury
  • reduce muscle stiffness
  • promote circulation
  • improve posture
  • manage stress and
  • decrease low-back pain.

So, how can you start stretching out the benefits of improved flexibility?

  • Focus on the major muscle groups, such as your calves, thighs, hips, lower back, neck and shoulders.
  • While daily stretching is encouraged, aim to incorporate stretching 3 or 4 times per week to see benefits.
  • Don’t stretch cold muscles. Before you stretch, start with a quick warmup like a short 5- to 10-minute walk. This helps make your muscles more pliable and less prone to strain.
  • Remember to breathe normally while stretching.
  • Keep your movements smooth without jerking or bouncing during the stretch, which can lead to injury.
  • Aim to hold each stretch for 30 seconds. If you’re new to stretching, start with 10 seconds and work your way up to 30 seconds. Repeat each stretch 3 to 5 times during your session.
  • If your stretch feels painful, you could be stretching too far. You should only feel a slight pull when stretching properly.

Now that you know the importance and benefits of stretching, it’s time to flex those muscles with a good bend and reach.
