Where will Plato go next? It’s up to you! Take Plato along on your trek across the globe. Snap a picture with Plato on a nature trail, at the top of a mountain or working on his tan at the beach. Send us your photos for a chance to be featured!
Thankfully, dinosaurs don’t need passports. To take Plato along for the ride, download and print your own Plato or find a paper Plato in your Publix Communication Center. Then, snap a pic and send it to corporate.communications@publix.com. Be sure to include your name, work location and photo caption.
May Week 4
Who said family reunions were only for humans? While on a visit in Orlando, Florida, our Publixaurus and his friend came across a fellow dino!
Plato visited the most populated country in the world not just once, but twice this month! This time, he was spotted stretching his legs in the airport that serves Hong Kong after a long flight.
There were nothing but smiles — and silly faces — on this field trip to the Crayola Experience in Orlando, Florida, with Plato and his group of friends.
May Week 3
So that’s how it stays together! Glutinous rice — better known as sticky rice — was one of the ingredients used when building the Great Wall of China. Plato thought the wall was impressive, but it tasted a little stale.
ConGRADulations! Plato tagged along to a pharmacy school graduation at Wingate University in North Carolina.
Plato teamed up with associates from #356 in Lakeland, Florida, for the March for Babies walk sponsored by March of Dimes.
May Week 2
Plato and his pals all look good in their Publix uniforms. The Publixaurus took a quick photo break in Ponte Vedra, Florida.
Plato might travel a lot, but he still finds a way to give back. He painted houses with Publix associates for Habitat for Humanity in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Get a “peace” of this! Plato visited San Francisco, California.
May Week 1
At Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida, part of the main campus is the historic Ponce de León Hotel, built in 1888! During his visit, Plato snapped a pic with his friend Henry Flagler, railroad pioneer and namesake of the college.
Who’s hungry? Plato checked out Sook Siam, a food vendor market, while in Bangkok. While visiting, he could taste and experience the culture of Thailand’s 77 provinces in one day!