It’s a new year! Do you have a list of resolutions for 2023? Whether you want to eat healthier, save money, spend less time on social media or be a better partner or parent — the new year is the perfect time to get started, or so you may think.
In most cases, New Year’s resolutions are often not accomplished. According to Psychology Today, less than 10% of resolutions are achieved. Many people often get excited to start their resolutions, only to lose motivation in less than a month. If this sounds like you, why not try something different?
Consider these ideas when it comes to setting resolutions — or goals:
- Create a list of things to look forward to. What are you excited about in the new year? Make a written list of those things, big or small, and reflect on why they’re important to you. It’s been scientifically shown that the feeling of anticipation, in and of itself, can help you feel happier.
- Establish short-term goals. Instead of focusing on something big, make short-term, realistic goals to help you stay motivated. For example, instead of a resolution to exercise more this year by joining a gym, commit to walking 15 more minutes each time you go on your already established morning walk.
- Keep track of your healthful habits. Take a few minutes to track what you’ve accomplished each day. For example, by tracking each time you choose healthful foods, the act of jotting it down and being able to visualize your accomplishment serves as motivation to keep up the good work. And the more you see small wins, the more you’ll feel rewarded for your positive choices.
- Engage in self-reflection. People often feel anxiety or frustration if their resolutions are not progressing the way they envisioned when they first set them. Self-reflection is an important tool when it comes to success or failure. To ease the pressure you place on yourself and create greater self-awareness, practice self-reflection by writing in a journal, meditating, quietly sitting in your favorite place or doing whatever activity helps you relax and take a short mental break. You can ask yourself these questions:
- What matters most to me?
- What am I grateful for?
- What can I improve on?
- How can I build on my strengths?
So, rethink your New Year’s resolutions and become your best self — 1 small step at a time.