By Taylor - October 1, 2024

Scrubbin’ for food safety

Do you know that clean hands are the most essential ingredient in any delicious meal? That’s right — before mixing, mashing or sauteing, washing your hands sets you up to enjoy great food and avoid the spread of germs. Global Handwashing Day is on Oct. 15; recognize the occasion by learning how to help prevent illness.

Save the best for 1st

Though it may seem too simple to be true, washing your hands is one of the most effective ways to stop the spread of germs. Wash your hands with soap in running water for at least 20 seconds — the length of time to sing “Happy Birthday” twice. To make sure you’ve washed them correctly, follow these simple steps:

  • wet
  • lather
  • scrub
  • rinse and
  • dry.

Out and about

As we head into flu season, washing your hands regularly to protect yourself and those you love is as important as ever. When you’re on the go, wash your hands when a sink is available and at critical times like

  • after using the bathroom
  • after blowing your nose, sneezing or coughing, and
  • before and after eating.

When soap and water aren’t available, use a hand sanitizer with a minimum of 60% alcohol.

Keep those germs away

You might wonder just how much illness handwashing prevents. Proper handwashing can reduce the number of people who get sick with

  • respiratory infections, like colds, by 16 – 21% and
  • diarrhea by 23 – 40%.

Parents should teach their little ones how to properly wash their hands early to help lower the number of daycare illnesses they bring home. And people with weakened immune systems have a lower risk of contracting a disease that could affect them more than someone with a healthy immune system if they wash their hands regularly.

Handwashing can benefit us all and is an easy way to reduce the spread of illness. So, get ready to regularly sing “Happy Birthday” twice, from beginning to end. And you’ll enjoy the benefits of not being under the weather as much!
