By Leigh - August 3, 2020

Stranger things from the 1980s to now

The 1980s — a decade of change and innovation. As nostalgia sets in, we see it in movies and on television, hear it in today’s songs and, occasionally, it even creeps back into our fashion. The ’80s was the decade that brought us Pac-Man, MTV and the Super Bowl Shuffle. The Swatch watch was coveted over a Rolex, and the Commodore 64 was all the rage. Cell phones were just making their way into the U.S., most video games were still played in arcades and kids spent most days playing outside with friends.

In today’s fast-paced, always connected world, it’s hard to imagine, or remember, a time when we spent more time outdoors and with each other than we did in front of the TV or on our phones. Now, we’re spending more time indoors, binge-watching our favorite shows and interacting less with each other. And people are more stressed today than they were in the ’80s.

It seemed life was simpler, but was everything better back then? Let’s drink a wine cooler (or OK, some coffee will do) and contemplate the impact the decade had on our health and wellness and learn some not-so-strange things we can do for ourselves today.
